Here I introduce some interesting links. Maybe I will add
new links soon. ;)
All links will be displayed in the same browser window
(no separate window) because the "target attribut" is not
allowed in all (X)HTML strict variants. It`s "deprecated"
marked by the W3C.
The visitor may decide oneself if a new browser window will
open or not.
→ To open a new window, right-click a link and choose
"open link in new window" (or alternative: "open link in new tab")
from the context menu.
"Tabs" (or Tabbed browsing) are not supported by Microsoft Internet
Explorer 5 and 6!
My webprojects
Home of Heiko Wagner
My private (german) website
Opera community Blog
CSS only project; I made some new layouts
My student website
Similar design but older CSS source code
Milestone - International Offer
International website for an IT company
Student union of Landscape Architecture
New design and CSS layout
W3 Consortium (Consortium which defines webstandards)
Online Validator
W3C Online Validation Service
Another (great) markup online validator
CSS Online Validator
W3C Online CSS Validation Service
A famous german guide about webdesign
CSS Zen garden
Most beautiful CSS based websites
CSS beauty
CSS design showcase
The style works
Demonstration of CSS (german)
CSS contents and browser compatibility
ACID 2 Test
Browser webstandard support test
complex spiral demo
Test by Eric A. Meyer